1st District Commander’s July 2024 Report

By Mark Maloney

Wow, what quick year I had. I started as 1st District commander thinking I knew the answers and found out that I had only a fraction of them, but I did realize one thing. Teamwork is what was needed in my district and teamwork is what makes things work better in every thing you.

As I had visited post in my area, I found that post who treat the local SAL, Auxiliar and Riders members as equals had a better attitude throughout the year and solved the post problems as a family.

I also ran into posts where post commanders had taken to the notion that they are CEO and can act alone and do as they please.

Well, that’s when I checked the books. This is a place that the district officers can help with post problems and help find the answers for them to solve the post problems that may come up.

Mugshot for Mark Maloney
Mark Maloney

It has worked in five of my posts, which were wise to contact the district officers.

I will say to those who say American Legion district or department people can’t do anything show me how they only are limited to how they limit themselves.

We are not limited in educating the posts in how they can keep law and order in their posts.

Remember, as president Lincoln stated, “A house divided will fall unto itself.”

So, let’s stay united. Our mission and duty are to help the veterans to make a peaceful transition back to peaceful life.

We can do that if we are not bickering amongst ourselves. Let us keep strong, show people we are here, and show we care and that bring people back. We also cannot be afraid to try new things. If we do not adapt, we will be left behind.

Thank you.