105th Minnesota American Legion Convention Program

By Mike Maxa
105th Annual Convention
of The American Legion Department of Minnesota
July 11-13, 2024
3-7 p.m. Registration, Austin F. Hanscom Post 167, 220 19th Ave., SW, Willmar
6 a.m.-noon Registration, Willmar Conference Center, Main Entrance
7-8 a.m. Caucus of all delegates and alternates by districts
8:30 a.m. Department Executive Committee Meeting, Gallery 5-7
10 a.m. American Legion Convention Sessions,
Willmar Conference Center, Gallery 5-7
CALL TO ORDER: Paul Hassing, Department
Commander, Montgomery
Advancement of the colors: Bloomington Post 550
Invocation: Dean Knutson, Department Chaplain, Marshall
POW/MIA flag:  Jim Kellogg, NS/FR Committee, Taopi
Brad Pagel, Department Sergeant at Arms, Slayton
Pledge of Allegiance
“The Preamble”: Recital by
Commander and Delegates
• Paul Hassing, Department Commander,
• The Honorable Doug Reese, Mayor, Willmar
• John Christenson, Commander,
Austin F. Hanscom Post 167, Willmar
• Jan Ekert, 7th District Commander,
South Haven
• Victor Gades, Department Vice
Commander, Morris
• Jon Olson, General Convention Chairman,
10:25 a.m. Reading of the Convention Call: Michael J. Maxa, Department Adjutant, St. Paul
Approval of Dept Convention Published Program
by Convention Attendees
Report of Convention Credentials Committee
Report of Convention Rules Committee
Advance Reading of Constitutional Amendment Resolutions: Greg Colby, Department Judge Advocate, Northfield
10:40 a.m. Announcement of Department Convention
Committees & Instructions: Michael J. Maxa, Department Adjutant, St. Paul
11 a.m. Recess
11:20 a.m. Joint Memorial Service, Jackpot Junction,
Willmar Conference Center, Gallery 5-7
1 p.m. Meetings of All Convention Committees
1. Members serving on Convention Committees will please be prompt in attendance at assigned committee meetings.
2. Each committee will elect its own Chairman and Secretary. When work is finished, the Chairman or Secretary, (or both) will report to the Convention Department Headquarters at Willmar Conference Center, Legion Headquarters Office, for assistance in preparing a typewritten report for presentation to the Convention assembled on Friday, July 12, 2024.
3. All Convention Committee reports should be presented and accepted in final form before adjournment on Friday, July 12, 2024, thus disposing of all business other than that which has been scheduled for Saturday morning.
2 p.m. Gambling Seminar, Jackpot Junction,
Willmar Conference Center, Gallery 5-7
Moderator: Kristy Janigo, Legislative Committee  Chairman, Maple Grove
6:30 a.m. Registration, Willmar Conference Center,
-noon Main Entrance
7-8 a.m. Caucus of all delegates and alternates by districts
8:30 a.m. CALL TO ORDER: Paul Hassing, Department
Commander, Montgomery
Respect To Colors
Invocation:  Dean Knutson, Department
Chaplain, Marshall
Pledge Of Allegiance
8:35 a.m. Reports:
• Credentials Committee, Lynne Nottage,
Chairman, Minneapolis
• Finance Committee, Dennis Delong,
Chairman, Bloomington
• Legislative Committee, Kristy Janigo,
Chairman, Maple Grove
• Training Committee, Linda Dvorak,
Chairman, New Prague
9:05 a.m. SAL Report: John Weiss, 2023-2024 SAL
Detachment Commander, Woodbury
9:10 a.m. Youth Representatives:
• 2024 Eagle Scout Of The Year Jackson
Kramer:  Chip Manson, Boy Scout Chairman,
• 2024 Legion Boys State Representative:
Kyle Oldre, Director, Luverne
• 2024 Oratorical Contest Winner Elijah Cox:
Jamie Brooks, Chairman, Minneapolis
• 2024 Junior Shooting Sports: Jared
Sturgill, Chairman, Champlin
9:30 a.m. Update: Ben Johnson, Deputy Commissioner,
Minn. Department of Veterans Affairs
9:45 a.m. Awards & Presentations:
• Gary Weaver, President, American Legion
Hospital Assn., La Crescent
• Karen Welander, Children & Youth
Chairman, Sunburg
• Tess Davis, Americanism Chairman,
• Don Skow, Education Chairman, Lindstrom
• Representative, Safety-School Patrol
• Pat Logan, Law and Order Chairman, Bloomington
– Shelby Bonczek, Law Officer of the Year
– Brian Gustafson, Firefighter of the Year
• Terry Larson, Blood Chairman, Shafer
• Tom Clabo, Community Service Chairman,
• David Wendt, Bowling Chairman, St. Michael
• Luis Campero, Employment Chairman,
Sauk Rapids
10:10 a.m. National Rehabilitation Service Awards
& Update: Ray Kane, Department Service Officer, St. Paul
Pat Cliff Award to Outstanding Post Service Officer
10:30 a.m. Reports:
• Baseball Committee: Randy Schaub,
Director, Danube
• Fastpitch Softball Committee: Mike
Arvidson, Director, Parkers Prairie
10:45 a.m. Convention Committee Reports, in order listed
• Americanism
• Children & Youth
• Constitution & By-Laws
1:30 p.m. Remaining Convention Committee Reports
• Employment
• Energy & Conservation
• Finance
• Legislative
• Membership
• National Security/Foreign Relations
• Public Relations
• Recreation-Sports
• Rehabilitation
• Resolutions
• Safety-School Patrol
• Internal Affairs Ad Hoc Committee
• Time & Place (Convention Corp.)
2 p.m. Greetings: Sharon Cross, Dept. President,
American Legion Auxiliary, Sauk Centre,
& Christie Avant, Dept. Secretary,
American Legion Auxiliary, St. Paul
2:30 p.m. Final Membership Awards: Pam Krill, Dept.
Membership Director, Blue Earth
Gold Brigade Winners, Other Membership Awards
2:45 p.m. Nominations for Department Office
3:30 p.m. Voting Rules: Greg Colby, Department Judge
Advocate, Northfield
3:40 p.m. Recess
** Installation Ceremony Practice following recess, to include: Dept. Commander, Sgt.-at-Arms, Chaplain, Nominated Dept. Commander, Nominated Sgt.-at-Arms, Nominated Chaplain, Installing Officer and Outgoing District Commanders
Voting at Willmar Conference Center for one half hour
(30 minutes) from time of recess in Chamber Boardroom.
7-10 a.m. Registration, Willmar Conference Center,
Main Entrance
8 a.m. Polls Open, Chamber Boardroom
8:30 a.m. Polls Close
8:30 a.m. 9th District Band, Gallery 5-7
9 a.m. CALL TO ORDER: Paul Hassing, Department
Commander, Montgomery
Pay Respect To Colors
Invocation: Dean Knutson, Department
Chaplain, Marshall
Pledge Of Allegiance
9:05 a.m. “Convention Memorial Service”: Dean Knutson,
Department Chaplain, Marshall
9:30 a.m. Report: American Legion Riders: Jody Hassing,
Director, Montgomery
National Report: William C. Barbknecht,
National Executive Committeeman, Battle Lake
Report: Legionnaire Insurance Trust: William C.
Barbknecht, Chairman, Battle Lake
9:40 a.m. Final Report: Credentials Committee
Final Report: Resolutions Assignment Committee
9:45 a.m. Mike Maxa, Department Adjutant, St. Paul
Voting of Delegates at Large & Alternates at Large
9:50 a.m. Report & Presentation: Paul Hassing,
Department Commander, Montgomery
Donations accepted at this time
10:05 a.m. Announcement of Election Results and
Introduction of Newly Elected Officers
• Department Commander
• Five Department Vice Commanders
without numerical designation
• Chaplain
• Historian
• Sergeant-at-Arms
• Member of Publication Board
for a 3-year term
• Five Delegates-at-Large to the National Convention
• Five Alternates-at-Large to the National Convention
NOTE:  The Department is entitled to five (5) Delegates-at-Large and five (5) Alternate Delegates-at-Large.  The Department Constitution provides, under Article 8, Section 1, that:  “The Delegates-at-Large to which the Department is entitled in the National Convention shall be elected by the Convention and shall include the incoming Commander, the incoming Department representative on the National Executive Committee, and the outgoing Commander.” The National Constitution provides, under Article 7, Section 3, that the National Executive Committeeman shall be a delegate with vote, which shall be exercised with their respective Departments.
11:25 a.m. Announcements: Mike Maxa, Department
Adjutant, St. Paul
11:30 a.m. Benediction
Secure POW/MIA Drape
Retirement of the Colors