9th District commander’s August report
Greetings, Legion Family from the Roaring 9th District!
First, I would like to thank outgoing 9th District Commander Terry Buraas and the 9th District officers for a job well-done from 2021 – 2023. Thank you, Terry!
Second, I want to thank all the 9th District posts for making the 9th District the first place membership winner in our great state of Minnesota, as announced at the Department Convention. Congratulations, 9th District! What a wild ride!
Lastly, I want to thank my home post, Underwood Post 489, for their support and confidence in supporting my election as your 9th District commander. Although the 9th District is in first place for membership, we still have some work to do. Currently, we have some posts in our district that are struggling, so I am asking for everyone’s assistance. Therefore, I am asking for a team effort from all of our posts.
If your post is doing well, and the post closest to your post is not, please offer your post’s assistance to help them get up to speed. Our strength is our ability to work as a team.
In addition, 9th District vice commanders and I have been tasked to visit your posts. Please welcome our visits as a positive influence and tool to meet your post’s goals for the 2023-24 fiscal year. We are here to help!
Remember, our Legion family (Legion, Auxiliary, SAL and the ALR) work together in support of our veterans, veterans families and our communities. Always remember our Four Pillars, Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism and our Children & Youth.
As always, please submit your Consolidated Post Report (CPR) and your Post Service Officer’s Report (PSO) before the cutoff dates. These reports are very important, not only for your post, but our district, department and national as well.
In closing, I am sending out a challenge and incentives to the 9th District for 100 percent membership goals, and have, at least, one representative from your post to attend our district meetings (in person or on Zoom).
Also, I am setting up a time, date and place for mylegion.org training, so we can make our membership experience a lot easier moving forward. Let’s make this fiscal year one of the best we have ever had! I look forward to a great year.