9th District commander’s July 2024 report

By Steve NaSalle

Hello, Roaring 9th District American Legion Family!

Now that our 2024 district convention is behind us, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Moorhead post for a smooth and successful district convention. A special thank you to our district vice commander at-large, Tim Haugen, for his above and beyond expectations organizing our successful convention.

Thank you, Tim!

In addition, I would like to welcome and congratulate our newest district vice commander, Cecelia Sundstrom, to our 9th District family.

Mugshot for Steve NaSalle
Steve NaSalle

All right, post commanders, post adjutants and post membership directors, now that your post elections have concluded, we must ensure that all your post forms (PORs & CPRs) have been filled out properly and sent to the department for updating ASAP.

These forms are mandatory, so let’s have a 100 percent districtwide success rate getting these forms in on time. If you need assistance, please contact Tim Haugen, our district vice commander at-large.

Remember, we still have a few posts that haven’t reached membership goals, so please continue to reach to your current members to get their dues in before the 2024 Department Convention, which begins July 10.

Please continue to be mindful of our members who are homebound or in assisted living facilities and remember our buddy checks. Our comrades deserve our attention.

“Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer.” — Unknown

Respectfully in your service.