9th District commander’s January 2024 report

Happy New Year, Roaring 9th American Legion Family!

I am glad to report that we have met or exceeded the membership goals given to us by National HQ with an overall 81.08 percent average. According to our district membership director, we have 49 posts that have met or exceeded the 75 percent goal and 42 that have met or exceeded the 80 percent goal. Please keep sending in those renewals as they come in.
Congratulations to our Nielsville Post 336, Strandquist Post 466 and Gully Post 603 for reaching or exceeding 100 percent goal. Great job!
As we all know, it is that time of the year for our Mid-Winter Conference. Just a reminder; our Mid-Winter Conference will be at Detroit Lakes Post 15 on Jan. 19 and 20. Accommodations and event information will be posted on our 9th District Facebook site, as well as the Detroit Lakes Post 15 Facebook site.
For those of you who do not have access to our Facebook sites, please contact Post 15 directly at 218-847-8533. On Friday, Jan. 19, we will host our District Executive Board meeting beginning at 7 p.m. On Jan. 20, we will host our Mid-Winter Conference beginning at 9 a.m.
In the past, we have had very low numbers in attendance. This year, I would like to see at least one representative from each of our posts in our district. The information provided at our district events is a valuable resource for aiding in your post’s success. Please be safe on your travels, and I look forward to seeing you all there.
“May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please but as the opportunity to do what is right.” — Peter Marshall