9th District commander’s August 2024 report

By Steve NaSalle

Hello, Roaring 9th District American Legion Family!

Now that our 2024 105th Department Convention is behind us. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for a great year, and I am honored to be your district commander for a second term. Let’s start the 2024-2025 fiscal year out with a bang!

Our first new year bang is to get those post reports in ASAP!

We still have some posts out there that haven’t completed their Post Officer’s Report (POR) or their Consolidated Post Reports (CPR) yet.

Steve NaSalle

Therefore, post commanders, post adjutants and post membership directors, please get these reports in ASAP. These reports should be completed directly after your post elections and sent into department. Remember, if you need assistance, please contact Tim Haugen, our district vice commander at-large.

Our second new-year bang is to reach out to our current members who haven’t paid their 2024 dues. Unfortunately, for those who haven’t paid their dues before July 1, the new rate is now in effect.

Along with reaching out, every American Legion member should be recruiting new members.  A great way to recruit new members is to utilize your 1982 list. The 1982 list consists of members in your area who are not assigned to a specific post, but assigned to Post 1982, which is state-affiliated.

When speaking to a potential new member, please let them know the advantages and benefits in being affiliated with your post.

Our third new-year bang is to continue to be mindful of our members who are homebound or in assisted living facilities. Remember our buddy checks, especially those who are in the hospital or who are recovering from surgery. Our comrades always deserve our attention.

“Only our individual faith in freedom can keep us free.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower