8th District commander’s August report
Greetings, 8th District Legionnaires. Well, we are at that time of the year when our officers change. I will be your 8th District commander for 2023-2024.

The first order of business is to get all our post officer lists into department. The only way we can effectively communicate with you all is if we have an up-to-date officer list for your post. Please do not use the [same as last] box. Please complete the entire form. If you do not have a post officer form, contact me and I will get you one.
The fastest way to communicate that form to department is at mpadilla@mnlegion.org or district is via email at eighthdistrictlegionmn@gmail.com.
We are looking for 8th District committee chairs for our programs, so if you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible. You can see a list of programs on our 8th District website at www.americanlegiondistrict8mn.com.
If you need assistance with membership processing through mylegion.org please do not hesitate to contact myself or one of our district vice commanders. We are working on setting up our Fall, Mid-Winter and District conventions for 2024 and will send notification as soon as we have confirmed the dates and locations. If a post would like to host any of these district events, please contact me as soon as possible.
I look forward to working with you all this year.