7th District commander’s September report

Greetings to all of the 7th District Legionnaires along with all Legionnaires from other districts.
Another month has come and gone, and I continue to work on learning new things as your 7th District commander. I am hoping that this finds all of you well and working on renewing your memberships and seeking out new members. Remember the membership year cutoff is in December; please try to get those 2023 memberships in.
I do have to talk briefly about a couple of events that I attended early this month. The first being the 2023 Minnesota American Legion Baseball Div. II State Tournament to Granite Falls. What a great experience and what awesome players.
I have to thank several people who made this such an enjoyable time. Brandon Raymo, Scott McCready, Steve Agre and Joe Dollerschell and of course I can’t forget Randy Schaub for making me feel so welcome. It was exciting to represent the 7th District and greet the players before the game. Congratulations to Morris Post 29 on winning the state championship.
The second event was the Kraut Parade in Eden Valley. I walked and threw candy following the Meeker County Veterans Service van.
In less than a week, I will be heading to the 104th National Convention in Charlotte, and I am hopeful that this will not only be a learning experience for me but will provide me with information I can share with all of you.
There are several upcoming dates to mark on your calendars; Camporee at Legionville Sept. 6-10, the Harvest Rally is also at Legionville on Sept. 9. The Department Fall Conference will be in St. Cloud Oct. 26-28. This is a time for you all to learn more about what the Minnesota Department of the American Legion is doing, and what we have accomplished. I would encourage you to attend.
Please make sure that if you are needing help with something in your post, on a personal level, or just have questions I am available to assist you. I am only a phone call away.
In my last article I omitted a big part of what I hope to do this year, that being what my project is. My project is the Montevideo Veterans Home, for which I hope to raise $5,000 to $10,000 to help with essential needs of our veterans.
I want to earmark these monies for things like shampoo, soap, socks, most things all of us need for our personal grooming, and daily use. Be it clothing and things that you or I take for granted being able to obtain.
My theme is “Veterans Helping Veterans.” Remember our Four Pillars when you think about helping our veterans young and old. This project falls under Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation.
Remember our strength lies in our numbers. Our voices are loud when we speak together.