7th District commander’s August report
Greetings to all of my fellow Legionnaires.
Congratulations to Paul Hassing, our new department commander and his new and returning officers.

Wow! What a fabulous start to a year of representing the Mighty 7th. As we start another year, I want to congratulate all of the districts on the long hard road we traveled in renewing and recruiting members. We need to use all of the tools that are available to us in explaining to our fellow veterans the benefits gained for them through The American Legion.
At the 104th Department Convention, another resolution was sent forward recommending additional benefits be afforded to veterans. At a state legislative level this past year, the biggest benefit was the Veterans & Military Omnibus Bill. See what we can accomplish when we stand as a group; our voices are strong and loud and cannot be ignored. We stand strong as a group.
The Four Pillars of The American Legion address many things. I think the Preamble says it all in an easy and forthright manner.
To all of the district executive officers as well as all of the committee chairman, I want to say thank you for stepping up to or remaining at the plate. It is your experience, knowledge and willingness to serve that will make the tasks we face easier. We are a great team.
To all of the members of the 7th District, I look forward to your support, input and even criticism, because that is how we develop solutions and make things happen. Together we will do amazing things.
Again, I look forward to this year and serving as your commander.
Remember our strength lies in our numbers. Veterans helping veterans.