6th District commander’s September report
Greetings and salutations from the Big Sixth!
As of this writing, I am looking forward to the 104th National Convention in Charlotte. The convention was the last week of August and will have come and gone by the time this publication reaches mailboxes.
I am excited to attend and expect to learn a great deal and meet many wonderful people.
We are now focusing on rejuvenating the Oratorical Program in the 6th, and we challenge the whole Department of Minnesota to do so, too!
So, it is time to gather up contestants with the new school year starting.
This means ALL POSTS need to start talking with everyone who will listen to you that can help find those kids that might just be interested in earning some scholarships!
Please, contact your Oratorical Contest chair, as well as reach out to your local schools, and they will help find the students.
Put an article in the local newspapers and on Facebook. Consider offering a scholarship from your Post if the student is chosen to participate at the district level. The students need time to study the topics and prepare their speeches. If you wait, the time will be long past before they are ready.
Minnesota Legion College is coming up fast (Oct. 12-15), and I hope that the class is filled with members from all over the state. And before we know it, Department Fall Conference will be upon us (Oct. 26-28). The second membership renewal notice comes out mid-October. Let’s try to keep too many of those from going out and get our members renewed early!