6th District commander’s December 2023 report
It is the holiday season! There were many delicious meals and celebrations for Veterans Day at local posts, schools and communities that were very well-attended. We all feasted at Thanksgiving, and now we are looking forward to our Christmas celebrations! It is a special time to be with your own family and your Legion family to celebrate all your blessings.

The 6th District is leading the way in membership efforts! It has been hard work, and it has been everyone working hard. We have 152 new members so far!
The trick now is to keep it up and push for the last renewals while finding those new members! If you still have members that haven’t paid for 2023 yet, they have until the end of the month to get it done.
Make those phone calls and send out those letters. It is also so important to share what the great things your Post is doing so your community knows. Talk to your local papers and community groups. They are likely willing to help out The American Legion to publish the photos and articles about what we are doing.
The Pearl Harbor Rally is being held in our district at Paynesville Post 271 on Dec. 9, and the 6th District Mid-Winter Conference is Jan. 27 at Aitkin Post 86.
I hope to see ALL of you there and at least one member from each and every 6th District post so you are represented.