6th District commander’s August 2024 report

Greetings from the big 6th District. I want to start off by thanking Immediate Past Commander Anthony Koop and his team for all the hard work they put in during his tenure.
Congratulations to all the newly elected officers at the posts, districts and department. I look forward to a productive, fun year working with each of you.
It was great seeing everyone at the Department Convention in Willmar. Many familiar faces and old friends were there, but I also got to meet many new people. It is great to see new faces step into leadership roles within our Legion Family. Those of us that have been around for a while need to make sure we are stepping into the role of mentor to these new leaders, just as those before us did for us.
My theme this year is twofold. The first is “Together We Can.”

This is in reference to all that we can accomplish if we bond together. The American Legion Family is an amazing force when we step up and work together. We do some much for our veterans, youth and communities. None of us can do all the wonderful things we are known for alone.
The other theme is “Bearish For Membership.” It is going to be challenging this year, but if we all put our minds to it and work together, I know we can make it a successful year. I’m willing to put in the work. Are you?
My Commander’s Project is to raise funds to purchase “theater seating” furniture for the multipurpose room at the new Bemidji Veterans Home. Currently, they are “constructively reappropriating” furniture from one of the resident units so they can have movie night. We need to show our veterans in this new home that we remember and care about them.
I look forward to seeing all of you in my travels this year. I hope to see you at Camporee at Legionville on Sept. 5-7, especially at the 6th District fish fry on Saturday.