5th District commander’s October report

I just returned from Camp Ripley for the annual gathering of our National Security/Foreign Relations Committee meeting with my fellow district commanders and district NS/FR chairs. This is a dedicated team and a pleasure to work with each of them. Outstanding Enlisted Awards nominations were considered, and the winners will be announced at the Fall Conference in St. Cloud.

Camp Ripley conducts their annual open house for families this same weekend and expected 5,000-plus attendees. The American Legion booth was staffed by all of us, and it is good to meet and greet military families and award or give prizes to the children, of all ages.
Still another event was the groundbreaking for the new Minnesota Military & Veterans Museum near Camp Ripley. A wonderful facility is planned for that location. It was a busy weekend at the camp.
Thanks to all who are assisting our membership focus. We’re working behind the scenes to provide support and direction. Keep up the great work.
Reminder the district meeting schedule is out, and we are planning interesting speakers for each of our meetings. Plan on attending a few to see what is going on in the Fighting Fifth.
“To consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.”