3rd District commander’s December 2023 report
Hey, Thundering Third, time passes quickly and one has to slow down to make sure one is not missing their goals.
As I have visited some posts and attended meetings such as the Camporee & Harvest Rally this fall. Legionville has remained utmost on my mind as part of my 2023-24 Commander’s Project. I am keeping up the pace collecting donations and appreciate all you who give. Legionville remains one of a kind camp in Minnesota that offers veterans and kids opportunities to learn and create memories while getting exposure to the camping experience. My efforts continue to focus on my travels and fundraising.
Responsibilities have taken me to posts that have issues and it takes time to turn things around for a better working post. All posts seem to have minor issues, but we need to remember we are a family and it helps when we review our Constitution and By-Laws every two years, dated and signed. If changes are to be made make sure the post family is aware of the changes. Posts need to rely on their 3rd District vice commanders to visit their posts and bring to the table information and direction.
One last thing I would like to share from the recent Fall Conference is the importance of the post service officer (PSO). This job requires a confident, dedicated and organized person — preferably one who is ready and available to provide assistance. There are education classes for the PSO who can receive training by the department, which includes in-person or electronic. I learned that through the years the responsibility is greater than ever in today’s world.
This is a great opportunity for our local PSOs to bring attention to veterans in need in their local community. It is free and aligns with “Be the One.”
I am looking forward to the Pearl Harbor Rally sponsored by the American Legion Riders at Paynesville Post 271 on Dec. 9. With the holidays approaching fast, we want to remember our veterans serving and our veterans need of assistance. I wish you all a happy holiday season.
Keep up the “can do” spirit.