1st District Commander’s December 2024 report

By Mark Maloney

I want to say Merry Christmas, and I am proud to be your commander by making sure that everyone is informed as the 1st District officers are. Everything at the district is an open book; just ask any district officer. With that being said, we still have a lot more work to be done.

We still have some posts that are short of officers or have officers who do not know the basics of The American Legion. We also have a few posts that SAL and ALR members think The American Legion follows their bylaws when they are actually programs of The American Legion and are to report to the parent organization.

Post members have final say in anything we do in The American Legion. The chain of command in the American Legion is the post, the district, the department and then national.

Mark Maloney

Both the SAL and the ALR follow American Legion guidelines parent group guidelines. But The American Legion sets the guidelines.

These are some of the problems that I see our posts are having. They can be solved having the members and post officers taking classes on the American Legion (Basic Training online) and also attending district or department events or going to Minnesota Legion College in the spring.

If you plan on becoming an officer and want to know what is going on and what your rights are as members, please attend as many events as possible. As members it your responsibility to make sure your officers should do their best for you.

Let’s remember to do buddy checks and remember those who will not be home for Christmas.