10th District commander’s September report

Greetings to all from the Mighty Tenth!

I wanted to fill everyone in on my joint 10th District project for the year: We will sponsor the Operation Welcome Home military project at Ironwood Springs Ranch in Stewartville. They are doing great things for veterans, including family retreats, couples retreats, even a disabled veterans turkey hunt. Check them out at ironwoodsprings.com/military.
I hope everyone is as excited as I am about the National Convention in Charlotte. I haven’t been to this event since it was held in Minneapolis in 2011. It’s going to be a blast!
Lastly, I want to invite everyone to our 10th District Family Pig Roast at Legionville on Sept. 8 at 5 p.m. The cost will be $10 at the door. Please join us, we’ll have an epic time.
I hope everyone has a fantastic autumn. I look forward to seeing you all very soon. As always, don’t hesitate to email me at mtberen@yahoo.com.